Store your mattress properly
- Clean the mattress before storing it
- Wrap the mattress with a plastic liner
- Store the mattress horizontally
- Put baking soda on it to keep it odor free
Properly store your refrigerator
- Turn off the refrigerator the night before being stored, keep door open
- Clean and disinfect the interior of the refrigerator
- Make sure the refrigerator is completely dry inside and out
- Carefully move the refrigerator to its storage
- Keep the refrigerator upright at all times
Keep or get rid of things… How to decide?
- Avoiding guilt is not a good reason to keep things
- If it generates feelings of joy or you consider that it would be worth inheriting it to your children; keep it
How to store boxes?
- Use sturdy boxes, preferably plastic
- Fill the boxes to full capacity
- Make a list of the contents and number each box
- Remember, heavier boxes below, lighter boxes above
Moving tips
- Organize your move in advance to minimize the risk of loss and breakages
- Use boxes by filling them completely to avoid crushing the top or sides
- If your box is full of loose items like glassware or toys, fill the extra spaces with crumpled paper, bubble wrap, or other packing material
What to do with belongings of high affective value?
(Photo albums, inherited objects, clothes, among others).
You can use a mini storage to keep those items and memories of sentimental value that we find it hard to let go of, this will allow you to have more space and comfort inside the house.
How to safely pack a flat screen TV?
- Secure the power cable with adhesive tape
- Wrap the tv in polystyrene (foam) to protect the screen
- Place bubble wrap on top of the thin layer of Styrofoam
- Slide the tv into its original box or cover it all with cardboard
- Secure the box, write “Fragile” and “Keep Upright” on each side of the box
When is it necessary to free up space inside a house?
The answer to the following question will point you to the correct direction.
In my house, are things placed comfortably or in a crowded way?
If you answered… “crowded way”, the time has come to free up space!
How to organize boxes and your belongings inside a storage unit?
It is necessary to pack the goods that will not be used frequently, these must be properly identified and must be located at the end of the warehouse.
How to carry out a correct packaging?
The most important function of packaging is the protection of the good to be stored.
No matter what material is being used for packaging (plastic, fabric, foam, cardboard, etc.), check that it is in good condition before using.
In good condition means that it does not present wear, so that it covers and protects the article entirely.
How to store boxes?
- Boxes that you know you won’t be using for a while can go to the bottom of your storage. And the ones you are going to need should be located at a good height and close to the door, for easy access.
- Rationalize the space by accommodating boxes of similar size together. Put heavier items in smaller boxes to make them easier to lift. What is lighter should be on top, on top of what is heavier, to prevent damage.